Mrs. Guijon



Angelica Guijon


Hello. My name is Angelica Guijon and I am the ESL teacher for Cobden Jr./Sr. High School. For those of you who do not know, ESL stands for English as a Second Language. Cobden School District has the privilege of having students of all kinds of backgrounds and languages (Spanish-mostly). Our diversity is what makes us unique. I grew up in Cobden, attended Cobden School, and graduated in the Class of 2005. I received my post secondary education at Shawnee Community College and Southern Illinois University of Carbondale. My background and strong culture ties to my Hispanic community and families has been beneficial to the role I have at Cobden. I am the mother of three Great kids (I am bias...I know)..who also attend Cobden School. My Eric, Leo, and Leyla are my world along with my husband of 15 years, Antonio. Our family of 5 grew by 1 this summer when we added a new kitten to the mix, Nala. My hobbies include reading and writing Paranormal novels. I enjoy spending time with my family and listening to music. My favorite meal are Enchiladas de Pollo (authentic) and my weakness is Chocolate. Proud to be an Appleknocker!!

    "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

    Maya Angelou